
Recommended Potential Future Infill Station: Bothell Way NE and NE 201st Pl

5 October 2023

Map of potential future infill Swift station location area at NE 201st Pl and Bothell WayMap of the recommended potential future infill Swift station location area at NE 201st Pl and Bothell Way

We evaluated two options for northbound and southbound potential future infill station locations: Bothell Way NE at NE 201st Pl and Bothell Way NE at NE 196th St. That means these stations will not open with the rest of the project, but we may add them to the Swift Green Line Extension in the future after it is already operating. Proactively planning for future infill stations saves money on overall design and engineering and gives us flexibility to construct the stations at a future date as development around the station increases.

We identified northbound and southbound stations at Bothell Way NE at NE 201st Pl as the recommended potential future infill stations. These station locations would:

  • Serve existing homes, as well as ongoing and future residential developments.
  • Create a new crosswalk on Bothell Way NE near the stations.