Welcome and thank you for visiting

This online open house provides an opportunity to learn more about and provide feedback on the Community Transit 2025-2028 Title VI Program.

The tabs below provide information about sections of the Title VI Program and include opportunities to provide feedback:

  • Title VI Overview
  • Community Engagement Plan*
  • Language Assistance Plan*
  • Notice to the Public & Complaint Procedures
  • Major Service Change & Impact Policies
  • Service Standards and Policies*

*Sections with an asterisk feature changes since our last Title VI Program update in 2022.

Provide your feedback on each dropdown below and complete the form in the Thank You section for a chance to win a $100 gift card!

General Feedback

If you prefer to read the entire document and/or would like to provide general feedback on the 2025-2028 Title VI Program Update, please share it here.

Title VI Overview

Community Transit’s Title VI Program continues to provide for fair and equitable access to transportation services. It addresses how Community Transit monitors impacts to vulnerable communities, encourages inclusive public participation, and provides meaningful access for people with limited English skills—all in line with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Community Transit 2025-2028 Title VI Program

Community Transit updates its Title VI Program every three years. The 2025-2028 Title VI Program is very similar to the previous update (2022-2025). This year’s Program update includes:

  • Updates to the Community Engagement Plan to reflect current practices
  • Strategies for how we engage minority and limited-English populations in service-related decisions
  • Analyses of language needs across our service area
  • Changes to our service standards to align with our long-term transit plan: Transit Changes in 2024 and Beyond, and our newly adopted long range plan, Journey 2050

Community Engagement Plan

The Title VI community engagement plan guides our efforts to provide accessible information and proactive opportunities for the public to comment on our planning processes. It also sets baseline requirements for engagement and provides our staff with the tools they need to build relationships with and gather input from communities on Community Transit projects and plans.

Our community engagement objectives:

  • Understand who is in our project areas and what support they might need to engage in the planning process.
  • Notify people about public hearings, events, and opportunities for providing comment, using the right methods and languages to address barriers to participation.
  • Provide information and opportunities to comment in a variety of ways, so everyone can be informed and participate in processes which impact them.

Communication Methods

Depending on the project, we might use several different methods to communicate with people in the project area. After identifying who we are trying to reach and what support they might need to engage, staff will use guidance in the plan to determine the right mix of methods to reach affected communities.

Note: Information about how we communicate with people who speak languages other than English is in the Language Assistance Plan section.

Please answer the following questions to help us improve our communication methods.

Language Assistance Plan

Analysis of Language Needs

In drafting this plan, Community Transit analyzed:

  • American Community Survey (Census) data
  • 2022 On-Board survey results from our riders
  • The number of times in 2022-2024 that people translated our website using Google Translate
  • How many people requested an interpreter in 2022-2024
  • People our staff interact with in the field who speak a language other than English

What we found is that Spanish is the most significant language need in our service area, followed by Vietnamese, Chinese, and Russian. These four languages form our standard list for translating outreach materials.

New List of Standard Languages

We now provide translated materials for major service changes or fare changes in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Russian, where previously they were provided in Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and Russian.

You will also see this updated list of standard languages in a language block offering translation services. This list also influences how we engage with community-based organizations and community events.

Important: Anyone who speaks a language other than English can still request interpretation or translation assistance by calling (800) 562-1375.

Language Assistance Methods and Strategies

Making sure we can reach our riders and community members who prefer to communicate in languages other than English is a priority of the Title VI program.

Community Transit helps people who speak languages other than English by offering:

  • Language block on outreach materials that provides information to translation services
  • Google Translate capability on the Community Transit website
  • Rider Alerts or notices on the bus / in transit stations in English and Spanish, for fare changes or major service changes
  • Information in Chinese, Russian, and Vietnamese available digitally, for fare changes or major service changes
  • Translated information or outreach materials in another language, as needed
  • Conversations with an interpreter at community events
  • Asking a bus driver for assistance or calling the Customer Care line
  • Information from an organization or group in the community
  • In-language advertisements

  • If you would like to read more about our language assistance methods & strategies, this link will take you directly to that section in the 2025-2028 Title VI Program.

    To help us improve how we reach people who speak languages other than English, please answer the following questions.

    Notice to the Public & Complaint Procedures

    One key aspect of Title VI compliance is posting notices to the public in the spaces where we operate, including a clear procedure for filing a written complaint of discrimination.

    Community Transit posts Title VI notices (below) on our website, in public areas including reception areas, the Ride Store, the Board Room, and on our buses, vans, and paratransit vehicles.

    Notifying the Public of Rights under Title VI

    Community Transit operates its programs and services without regard to race, color and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin by Community Transit you may file a Title VI complaint by completing, signing and submitting the agency's Title VI Complaint Form.

    How to file a Title VI complaint with Community Transit:

    1. Download a PDF of the Title VI complaint Form from our website communitytransit.org/titlevi. Or, have a form mailed to you by contacting Customer Service at (425) 353-7433 (RIDE), (800) 562-1375, TTY Relay 711 or riders@commtrans.org
    2. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory act. Complaints should contain as much detailed information as possible about the alleged discrimination.
    3. The form must be signed and include your contact information.

    Please mail all complaints to:

    Community Transit
    ATTN: Title VI Officer
    2312 W Casino Road
    Everett, Washington 98204

    Community Transit’s Title VI Officer reviews all written complaints and sends an acknowledgement letter to each submitter informing them of next steps. If you would like to read more about our complaint procedures, this link will take you directly to that section in the 2025-2028 Title VI Program.

    If you would like to file a Title VI complaint, visit our Title VI webpage for more information.

    Major Service Change & Impact Procedures

    Community Transit is committed to effectively communicating with all our riders when there is a fare change or a major service change. A major service change is defined as:

    • The addition or elimination of a route within Community Transit’s system
    • Increasing or decreasing the number of service hours operated on a route by 25% or more
    • Routing changes that alter 25% or more of a route’s path

    A service equity analysis (aka Title VI analysis) is required for all major service changes or any fare change. The service equity analysis evaluates whether adverse effects result in a disparate impact (minority populations) or a disproportionate burden (low-income populations).

    Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Analysis

    The Title VI Program requires that we measure and compare how major service changes could negatively impact minority and low-income populations in our service area.

    When we propose a major change, the community can review and give input on this analysis.

    If you would like to read more about our Major Service Change and Impact Policies, this link will take you directly to that section in the 2025-2028 Title VI Program.

    Service Standards & Policies

    The Title VI Program describes service standards and policies as required by FTA Circular 4702.1B. The categories in this section have been revised to align with our long-term transit plan: Transit Changes in 2024 and Beyond, and our newly adopted long range plan, Journey 2050.

    This section of the Program includes standards for:

    • How many passengers a vehicle can carry at one time
    • On-time performance and frequency of service
    • Availability of transit services
    • Distribution of transit amenities
    • Assignment of vehicles within the Community Transit fleet
    If you would like to read more about our service standards, this link will take you directly to that section in the 2025-2028 Title VI Program.

    Thank you

    Thank you for participating in the 2025 Community Transit Title VI Program online open house. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the Program and provide your feedback. The Board of Directors will consider all public feedback before taking action on May 1, 2025.

    As a thank you for answering one or more questions in the tabs above, you can enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win one of two $100 gift cards. One entry per household. Winners will be chosen and notified via email by April 30.